Lopez on Saturday evening posted a video and photos on her Instagram and Facebook accounts, showing how she removed some of the divider cones and entered the lanes designated for world leaders and delegates.
Her post, which became viral on social media, read: "Driving with hazards 'on' at the #aseanlane. I removed the divider cones!! Then all the other motorists behind me followed! MMDA thinks I'm an official ASEAN delegate! If you can't beat 'em, join them! #nosticker #leadership"
In another post Sunday, Lopez apologized, saying she will explain her actions on a television show tonight.
"Sorry to those who got hurt and affected," she said.
Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board Spokesperson Aileen Lazada said in a message that the Land Transportation Office is planning to either suspend or cancel Lopez's driver's license.
Lizada said Lopez was not a good role model as a beauty queen because of her actions.
Meanwhile, Catalino Cuy, chairperson of the ASEAN Committee on Security, Peace and Order, and Emergency Preparedness and Response, said Lopez's behavior should neither be condoned nor tolerated.
"As a public figure, Ms. Lopez must be mindful of the impact of her actions. We tirelessly remind the people that traffic rules are created to save lives and put an order in the management of traffic flow, especially now that we are hosting the ASEAN Summit. We will not allow someone like her to simply put our plans to naught," he said.
Traffic enforcers have previously warned about heavy build-up of vehicles on EDSA, the Subic-Clark-Tarlac Expressway, and the North Luzon Expressway, to ensure the security of ASEAN delegates and make way for their vehicles coming from the Clark International Airport.
Source: http://cnnphilippines.com/news/2017/11/12/actress-maria-isabel-lopez-ASEAN-lane.html